Thursday, March 15, 2007

the fix

What I m referring to is that maybe be she s going through the same sense of rejection and emptiness that you are? I m not a psychiatrist, but I play one on TV. Psych! I mean, there is a reason that she is obstinate. I still think its just her going through puberty but there may be some sense of abandonment running through her mind. From what? That’s for you to find out. Andie you ve told me some heinous shit that has happened to you in your life. Although you thought you were burdening the weight by yourself, what would you think of things if you come to find out you weren’t? What if she was watching her mom go through that anguish so many times? What if your pain caused her confusion that she couldn’t understand? What if her confusion turned to resentment after seeing you do the pain dance so many times? I mean the stuff you told me, at least the most humiliating stuff happened between now and the birth of your 2nd daughter. Even a little more after because of the distinct type of loneliness you felt. What if she was there internalizing all that? I mean I m an adult and when you tell me I cant understand it. Because, I really don’t understand your thought processes when this was going on. And although some of these matters you say you ll never speak about, I know you will that was why you brought it up. That was the whole essence of the emptiness within you and feeling mad about it. But we need to get a moment to ourselves so I can hear the whole thing and not in pieces. Because when you tell it in pieces you aren’t giving me all the facts. You re leaving stuff out. I want to tell you something. It is that was why I liked being able to talk to you at work. I know you liked it because it enabled you to pass the day during the boring moments at your job. Sometimes you laughed, sometimes you got mad, sometimes you felt warm. I liked it because it gave me access to your inner workings. Without it I have to revert to methods that work but are conspicuously slower in practice.

Then I asked you how would you dominate me sexually when you get the chance. I understand that you cant type out a manuscript over there at your job because then it will arouse suspicion of what is she doing over there. She s seem to be typing up a lot. But its nice to know that you would have done it. It s nice to know that had you had the time to write it you would.
Man, you got a bubble butt. I thought it was an apple butt, but yea, you got a bubble butt. Probably because your legs are thinner than I had thought, but damn your butt is all out there. I mean its not even in proportion to the rest of your lower body. I mean when you look at you from the side your butt juts out there and then comes back to those tiny legs. Yea, it could be the pants but nah, I ve seen your butt in like 4 different pairs of pants and yea its so big. Its so big it doesn’t even fit you. Its more than a black girl butt. It’s a butt made for a woman much taller than you. I can see how you be the apple of anyone’s eye with a bootie like that. It must have given you a lot of unwarranted attention. But then again….you need attention so bad that you probably accepted it just because it was better than nothing.
But that’s another thing I want to know. Why did you whore yourself? What wasn’t being the pretty girl that gets a lot of attention good enough? Did you feel that you always had to push the envelope in order to get the attention to remain focused on you? And then, how come you chose not to sleep with the guys at your job if they could have advanced your career?

Im sorry about bringing up the hurt but can you explain to me this thing with your sister, her husband and how he used to be your ex-fiance? I could understand old boyfriend from years back maybe in high school and some how over the years he developed an attraction for your sister. But there is an appropriate time line for that example. Even for a guy you used to date casually who then started dating your sister. But I really need you to explain to me how is it that your sisters husband used to be your ex-fiance. Fiance insinuates that at some point he asked you to marry him. At for that to happen, we can safely assume you guys were dating for some time, right? Somehow it is as though you make your life more complicated than it needs to be. If you didn’t want to tell me then you could have said simply “she used to look at my sisters husband as a father figure.” But you went into more detail than that. I know, you don’t want to talk about it. Why? Yea, it hurts to rehash all of that but also because it may stir up feelings of hate and resentment, anger and disgust for your sister. And that’s not something you want to deal with. Because she is so vital to your life right now. And like the threesome its nice to know that I know something that even she don’t know. Fiance insinuates that he asked you to marry him and when he asked you to marry him you said yes. And that there was an engagement ring exchanged. And you made it clear that it wasn’t that long ago because Amy had looked to him as a father. After that everything is very unclear. I don’t understand what happened to your relationship that he broke up with you and decided to date your sister culminating in a marriage to her, and producing I guess, a couple sons? That’s where I need help. I know you swore never to tell anyone this but Andrea another thing I don’t understand is how come you bear so much stinging pain. I mean at the end of all things is you but what is it that you are doing that continually puts you in this situation? I cant understand it? Why do you have to deal with so much? I mean although you may put on a nice face in front of your sister and her husband, I know that pain has to be unbearable. Unbearable. I know you put on your smiley face and pretended that it didn’t matter. All that matters is her happiness but I know how you feel. Now I m going to share something with you and you take it how you want to take it. It makes me mad when you tell me these things. Why? Its more than taking a nice person and giving her the blues, its more than watching you get discarded. Its watching a woman get involved repeatedly with(here I cant say much, I could blame the guys but its you who chose to associate with them, I could blame you but that wouldn’t get me far because we haven’t established what it is within you that makes you want them) bad results. I mean, you say that if you had it to do all over again you d do the exact same thing. That’s not true, for if it were that would mean that you re an idiot. You re not an idiot. I know what you re trying to do. You re trying to save face. You re trying to prove that nothing that happened to you nor anyone that did you wrong has any power over you. But that’s not true and you know it. You want to prove to the world that you took a blow, that you can take any blow and its just rolls off of you. But that’s not true. I know that about you as a fact. If it was true then you would have shared these things with more people than me. If it were true then you wouldn’t have your shield up so high so many times when you could put it down. But you haven’t, because it hurts too much and you don’t know how to deal with it. So you bury it within you and hope it ll never happen again. I m trying just like you are. I ve never had a friend that hurt so much. I ve never had to deal with a woman who had injuries to every part of her psyche. But you want to ask me again why do I care about you so much, don’t you? I am just like you, we re 2 people trying to find our own way here, you understand? I m not saying this in a way to dumb down my points, but I think sometimes I get so involved in using the ‘right’ vocabulary that I don’t say what I really think. I see you as more than a pretty woman. I see what the other men don’t see. And in that, well I mean to deal with it that first, I gotta weave my way through the maze of rejection and despair that surrounds your heart. And in that is where the real Andrea is. Sometimes she comes out, you can hear her when you speak. That Andrea has no shame. She has ideas and views. But she doesn’t come out much. Well, not with out much patience on my part. Its hard to figure out sometimes, you would think the real Andrea is a shy woman. Is she? Maybe, but I also think the real Andrea is scared of new experiences. I mean to a point aren’t we all? But I think she s scared of the new experience because it might be something she s never dealt with and as no one can tell the future she wouldn’t know if it’s a good feeling or bad one. The feelings of failure are hard to relinquish sometimes. And especially by yourself. You know as an outside observer of your life it appears to me Mama that you have an acute problem with your self worth. All of your failures, and as I see it, I do mean ALL of them, in your life have to do with misplaced trust in men. There s something within your mind with respect to you, maybe your family and your parents that directs you to such bad circumstances. I cant figure out what it is because we haven’t talked about your parents, but someone programmed you to do the things you do. But with you we gotta get together and between us I gotta write this stuff down, not to showcase my friend with all her flaws to others, but so we can keep track of these things and how to deal with them. Shoot, we ll need a year to start with and try to cover things one issue at a time. I offer you help but you know I don’t know if you take me seriously. You re probably looking for my angle. Why would I? No, I think we re back to you being defensive. “I don’t need no ones help, I ll do it by myself.” I m not usurping your authority to run your own life. I m just saying that sometimes we need someone to help us through the tight spaces that we come across. I aint saying I can cure everything, fix everything, heal everything, but you know Andrea why don’t we give it a shot and see what happens?

The other woman-Nina

The other woman finds time to manicure her nailsThe other woman is perfect where her rival failsAnd she’s never seen with pin curls in her hairThe other woman enchants her clothes with French perfumeThe other woman keeps fresh cut flowers in each roomThere are never toys that’s scattered everywhereAnd when her baby comes to callHe’ll find her waiting like a lonesome queen‘Cause when she’s by his sideIt’s such a change from old routineBut the other woman will always cry herself to sleepThe other woman will never have his love to keepAnd as the years go by the other womanWill spend her life alone

I think there is something within you, something you learned when growing up from your mother or father or both that makes you underestimate your self worth. Its an incredibly dysfunctional feeling. I cant go too far into it because I don’t know what it is they exposed you to that makes you settle for less than you deserved. By this I mean by dealing with men who don’t respect you or who instinctively chose to discard you. Unless you mean for this to happen? But its not psychologically healthy. To request that you put yourself in these predicaments or to carry the weight from the decisions made all by yourself. It aint healthy.
Now I know I go overboard a lot. I cant let it go. And why is that? It all happened in the past and all we can do is roll with the results. There can be nothing gained from rehashing the past. Why can I not let it go? Because I want to lord it over your head? No. But I think you ve got too much going on that #1 its slowing you down, #2 you shouldn’t have to deal with this no more, #3 you shouldn’t have had to deal with it in the first place, #4 it really may affect the way you raise your kids, #5 you cant exist with so much stuff inside you that you re not willing to share #6…

I saw that movie “As good as it gets” with Jack Nicholson on FX Network, Saturday night and it s odd to me. Because initially I thought that you were like the Jack Nicholson character because you do things that are more complicated than they need to be. Its like you needlessly make things as tough as you think they should be. And you think its supposed to be that way. I guess it’s the cost one has to pay to be pretty, but it sounds sort of futile to me. I don’t know, I guess its supposed to make a guy work harder to be with you? And I guess only the most insistent and persistent ones will stick around. Its sort of like a game with you being the prize? I ask as a question because what becomes of the guys who make a play but whom you re not interested in? Its like you re toying with their emotions. I know, to you its all in the game, but that sounds like the stuff that gets women killed. I ve seen stuff on the news about that. The spurned advances of some dude, then he come back and kills her. You should be careful about that.
But like I say with respect to the movie “As good as it gets” towards the end of the movie I saw that to you I was actually the Jack Nicholson character, where the Helen Hunt character says to him that she doesn’t want to know him anymore, because he always “makes her feel bad about herself.” I hear you, that makes sense. Ok, lets face it, I don’t know how to deal with it. I ve never met any single person with as much to share and as much to hide as you do.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

she asked me How part II

So then I take a minute after I finish that tale and ask as nicely as I can "He didnt cum in you did he? I mean I would, but thats because you re special to me. My own living bottle of hot sauce. HA!"
She says "Look they are my best friends and she is a dyke and he is fine with it but the thing is he always tell her that he has a crush on me in the same way that she does with me and they are cool like that... they want me to go again for a threesome but I cant I mean the experience was different and deep and I say deep cause I have never picture myself eating pussy I did and I did not like and I hope that does not make me a lesbian, also I do enjoy watching these dikes getting it on and I love to watch dp's in action but I will not do it due to I do not want nobody touching my ass... you understand..?" I m like, I aint never heard no shit like that. I want to laugh but I dont want her to take it the wrong way so I hold it in. I m thinking "You hope you aint a lesbian because you ate pussy and didnt like it? I m pretty sure that means you aint." But instead I say to her "You re so funny that why I love you so much! "I hope that didnt make me a lesbian..." Come on, if you ate pussy and didnt like it I m pretty sure that you arent a lesbian. I m just imagining what it would be if you were a guy and you said something similar...."it was deep because I never thought I see myself sucking a dick...and I didnt like it" See, thats funny when a guy says it and horny when a chick says it."
Then she continues "Nah I got a bit freaky and he put his cum on me" "What do you mean you got a bit freaky? So he pulled out and came on you? Like your stomach or your face or something? I d still cum in you. Ooh the feelings..." She said "He came on my belly and I was enjoying his cum on me. It was weird and wild. But you know, I am strictly dickly and I did enjoy her eating me out is just I got very horny thats all." I asked her "Did you cum?" "Hahahahaha! Hells yea! You better believe I did" she answered enthusiatically. "How big are your hooters? 34C?" "Yea, and growing..." she says.

She asked HOW?

Yes, I look at your stature and wonder if it is tight. You know what I mean, it. I would hope so. You know, this is an odd thing to say but I wonder how long I would last inside it. You know, for real. 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes? I wonder what color the lips are? Brown, dark brown, tan, pink. I really should not be telling you this but I am not sure what I can lose. These are just questions and I doubt you will answer any. Your pride. I see your nipples are brown and they are not that big. I wonder what it takes to excite you? I mean, to get you to turn off the madness and furiousity and become like the words in that Nina Simone song "to dance naked under palm trees". I m not sure you could ever do it. Or maybe never again. It leaves you to open for criticism. Thats sucks though. Because if you cant be open when your making love that must be a boring exchange. I could be wrong but I d think you be like "I cant let him know I like it, because he ll use that as a way to control me" Thats awful. You wont even give yourself an orgasm because its like you re relinquishing total control over your sexual experience. On another side I m trying to find out what kind of freak you are, because you say you dont do anal, nor oral, Im pretty sure you dont do group sex, orgies, public places, swapping, swinging, fisting, so I m like thinking whats left? Costumes? and role play?

You know after I tell you this there will be no more restrictions in what we talk about, right? at least on my side. On your side? I think there will always be the same shit. You ll b open til you re closed, like 7-11.

Lets see, how would I eat your pussy?
.......good question I ve thought about that for a while now. Iwould start running my hands over your butt. I would lay down on the bed and have you set on my stomach. Iwould run my hands around your butt and unbutton your pants with my teeth(hopefully you didnt have a belt on). I d have you stand up and slide your pants off. down the right leg and then the left leg. you still got your underwear on...not sit back down on my stomach and I can feel the heat from your button my chest. You slide off your shirt and show me your wonderful gold titties. My dick is hard now but I push it down towards my toes and I push you down towhere you sitting on top of it almost, had I not moved it. I do that so I can sit up and suck on your titties. You start to grind slowly through your underwear working your clit into my pubic bone. It either your starting to sweat or you re getting wet. I slide my hand under your panties and feel your lips starting to get wet. I pull your panties down from over your butt and make you hop as I pull them off while you re still sitting on my groin rubbing y tus labias mojadas into me.

Hear she laughs vibrantly
I think to myself "She laughs but she doesnt say if she like or no? What does she think?"
She says first "That is really for me to know" when referring to her the appearance of her pussy. Then she turns and before she says another word I say "Does the lady want to hear more? Yea, I dont know you sound like a shy one. Until you get behind closed doors then you re like a rapist arent you?" She says "I like. I want to hear more." So I continue "If its for you to know then its me for me to find out right?" She replies cooly "Nope because I will just have you in the air..." And then she laughs in my face boldly. I ask "How do you think I d last inside you?" She answers "It all depends the rhythm that you go to cause I can go like get it done and over with and yes I had done it in the past." I say with an over abundance of confidence "Well.......with me you aint in no rush to get it over with. Believe me, you going to want to enjoy this. And what have you done in the past?" She clams up now "Nothing. Nothing, I didnt do nothing. I want to hear more..." Then she asks me "What have u heard about puertorriqueñas?" I tell her some version of the truth and fiction I learned throughout the years "I aint heard nothing about Rican girls. I mean I ve heard things but my experiences havent panned out the same way. I hear about aggressive sexuality but I get lame chicks who dont some how cant take it all. It always"me duele" or something or its like they want you to come as soon as you put it what did you do in the past?" Quickly she replies "Nothing. They sound like little girls?" "They werent little girls. they were the same size you are if not taller, bigger and meatier." I say "What did you do in the past? Group sex, orgies, public places, swapping, swinging, fisting, anal, oral, double penetration, 3 ways,women, gangbangs??"
She takes a breath and says "A threesome. 2 girls and a guy." "So what did you guys do? Eat pussy and doggy style?" "I felt awkward. He fucked me and she watched and then she ate me out. All I know it that it was awkward." "So you won t do that again?" Then I backtrack for a moment in the details and say "He had a rubber on right?" "No." She replies. I look at her for a minute knowing she s going to give me the details if I dont rush her, so I dont. I go on with my story.
"So you re sitting there on my pelvis grinding your clit into me. My dick is so hard and erect thatalthough I pushed it down it keeps slapping against your ass. I pick you up a little bit and pull it close. I m not going to put it in you because that the icing on the cake and I m pacing myself. But it makes a better pole for you to pivot yourself on while you rub your clit on it. Now that its hard you push your pussy down on it from the base to the shaft in long slow strokes. Its not in you though, you pussy is sweating all over it and you re clitoris looks like a tan bullet peeking out from in between your lips. As you approach the tip of my penis in the end of one of your long strokes the head get caught in the entrance to your pussy and starts to go inside. It so warm in there that I almost let it go at that. You start to guide yourself up and down on it initiating it to going to you more. And I m fine with that because its so warm and wet in there. But I decide that "no I wanna try something else." I put my arm around you pick your body up and when I do that I happen to penetrate you entirely with my cock. I pick you up and turn you onto your back. I pull it out of you, open your legs up wide and rub it against your lips. I then push you further up the bed and place my lips around your lips. I pull at them with my mouth, darting my tongue intoyou onto your clitoris.
I wonder if you ejaculate? Do you? You dont know do you? Tell me how freaky you are...what do you like to do?"

So uh, you wanna make love?

She says "No." succinctly. I reply "Take it easy you kookey fruit bat it was a joke." Or was it? Of course you know I d like to see the rest of that titty here. What is that? Some bathrobe or dinner jacket? Its got gold piping never seen no dinner jacket like that unless you re on tour with the Temptations. Of course it is sort of kinky though, with the necklace its like an amulet from one of the freaky chicks from The Mummy. Ah yea, freaky 5th Century BC sex before the ritualistic sacrifice.
"OK are u telling me that you like or you don't? Its not a nice pic."
"Its only not a nice pic because you aint showing me the whole titty.........."
"Lol your funny and you know that what else u like?"
"I m more than funny. But dont hate because I notice stuff. I m going to take a few minutes and share some junk with you. You know this picture is so big that it makes the titties look so nice, and the other one where your the butt looks so round? But I keep forgetting you re petite. I know you dont like me talking like this, but who cares, fuck you, titties and ass are the words for today.
Besides all you ever do is get mad anyway. Get a new gimmick, do magic tricks or something."
"What do I like? I like the shape, the color, I wonder how it feels, It feels soft. Like water. I wonder what it tastes like. I bet it is has a sweet salty taste."

"Well you know I like it all except your hostility. But its cool........for now. I d like to see you dance and not one of them porto rican dances, I m thinking one of them brazilian or colombian dances where they shake everything.what do I like? or what Would I like? I like to see you in something scantily. I dont really like thongs too much, they dont leave too much to think about. If the woman has a nice ass then you gotta take pride in it before you ride it. YOu have to adore it before you explore it. I know you aint going to do it but as long as you asking, I m telling. I would like it if you wrapped you legs around me. I ve been thinking about it for a while, I want to eat you out sideways. Is that nasty? Yea, it sure is, but you asked. WHat you should do if you got balls is ask me HOW?"

Q sera sea

Hey listen I m going to call it a day. I feel that something is different now and it dont feel the same. we were at this spot not only last month but dammit actually 10 days ago and we re not there any more. I dont think you really care but in my defense I didnt mind looking like a fool as long as I had your attention but now its not really interesting because what it is is like I m just waiting for the other show to drop. One minute we are talking all day and then its like conversation is mundane and forced. One minute we can talk about anything and now its like "I hope what Isay she dont take the wrong way". Do you know how that feels? When you think you gotta apologize for shit you havent even said? When you think you might have to apologize for shit you may say, if its relevant or not? Why should I be that person? I know you are busy, you re over there at work,working and shit. But you know I think you re too difficult for me? I dont know how to work your buttons to be honest. One minute I m on your worst person list then the next I get these confusing emails and text messages that dont match the conversation we just had. As I stood outside for almost 2 hoursSunday night, yesterday waiting for a tow truck to haul my Cadillac. I thought of something that describes exactly whats going on in my head. This is perfect sentence in Spanish and even so in English. Its that I cant tell if I m your friend or foe-No puedo decir si soy tu amigo o tu enemigo. Pensé que podría ser tu mejor amigo pero tu eres realmente hostil a mí y a mis intenciones. Y verazmente, si soy su enemigo entonces yo no te conocería porque ésa no es la posición que solicité...
Y yo no he mentido a tu con respecto a mis metas ydeseos. ¿Pensé que podría ser paciente con respecto al dolor que tu llevas, pero lo conjeturo materia del doesnt de todos modos, así que cuál es el propósito? Like I said I know it dont matter to you because I mnot in your life now and NEVER will be, I m just a person you knew sometime ago, so its cool. But I just thought you
should know.

And she said "That was really nice and really honest and yes I am a really difficult person that can not be denied. Today I am bombarded with all this work and I am trying to have a convo with you but is a bit hard right now. My manager left due to she has pinkeye and I have all her work so I apologize for that for not giving you some attention..."

Then I said "Tu sabes, deseo decirte algo. Es innegable que tuestas difícil. Pero eso no es un problema. ¿Pero esincorrecto que pida el estímulo cada una vez y otravez? Pienso que es como esto: ¿Si soy granjero y cadadía que es siempre asoleado y nunca consigo lluviaentonces cómo mis cosechas crecerán?"

Cosechas, I had to look that up.

This is the woman who doesnt know what it means to be a Power Bottom

This was the one from last Saturday.

So we are in the kitchen talking and I say to you"Lets do it." You say no because You re thinking that the little one will see us because shes in the room watching some childrens program on TV. I pull it out of my pants and show it to you. I m like "she aint paying no attention to nobody nowhere not on that TVscreen". So I undo your belt and unzip your pants and pull them down below your knees. You know for someone not enthused to do it you seem to leak at my touch. Really nice though. As I rub your clit a bit more youseem to get wetter and wetter. Hmmm, dont got much time do we? So I turn you around and since I m taller than you are I gotta bend my knees a bit. You lean against the kitchen sink and being that your pants arestill on around your knees you cant open your legs that much. But thats Ok. I grab my wang and bend it slightly to slip it between your ass and into your pussy. I start with just the head and with my bended knees I start to push and pull it out allowing every part that was outside of you that wasnt wet to get into you. When I have enough of it in I stand back upand work a better rhythm. These arent the strongest strokes but I likes. I put my hands around your waist to rock away nicely but then I move my hands towards the base of the sink. You bend over and push yourself against the kitchen sink trapping me. Its hard to stroke it you pushing against the whole cock. It appears that here you are just grinding your clitagainst my nuts with my dick in you. This is really great but I m getting tired standing up. So I ask if we can go into the bathroom. You say "Why?" I say"Lets try something..."
So We go into the bathroom and you brace yourself with one hand against the sink and the other with the your hand against the door. I sit on the edge of the bathtub and I enter you from behind as you sit on me. I lean back putting my hands on the other side of the bathtub to pivot myself as you bounce down on it. In order to hit it deeper I place both your hands on my knees and lean back and lift my hips off the bath tubto get inside you deeper. And I ll admit you do do the bouncing thing well, a real spring in your step, so to speak. But just like usual you being so selfish you only think about yourself and your pleasure sexually. I just need youto keep bouncing for a minute more because I m getting ready to cum but as soon as I feel the first shot you slow your pace and then get off the dick as casually as if it was like the bus you were waiting for has just arrived. So now I m sitting there like a moron on the side of the bathtub all out of breathe with cum sliding down my cock and left leg at the same time. You go to the toilet take a piss, pull you pants up and walk out of the bathroom like your coffee isgetting cold and you left something on the stove as Im still sitting there breathing hard, pants around my knees, cock erupting and sticky balls.
In the dark no less.

being patient<-her response

thnx for making my day go by a lil better and also for being patience with me

She said "You act like your shit dont stink" So I had to correct her

A propósito mi mierda no apesta. Huele como el Raisin Bran and Cinnamon muffins, le agradecen mucho.

Bootie talk

I cant keep it to myself. I love your bootie didntlike the pants though. But I love the bootie. Those pants didnt enhance its wonderfulness and its magnificence. Thats all I m going to say about that.

Being patient

Listen Pepper, dont worry about it. Lets just take it day by day. Some days will be better than others. Take your time. I know things are tough sometimes. And I know thats why you turn me down a lot. Its the expectations. What are they? You dont want to take advantage of someone nor be taken advantage of. Its ok, really it is. You just make you sure you stay smiling, I'll do the rest. Listen let me tell you something here. I know you aint super tight with the God Talk but come on. A minute ago you didnt want to talk to me and now we talk everyday. Before I made you feel that I demanded a place in your life we were talking everyday just the same. But its hard for you to trust someone with the intricate details of your life just like that. Andthere I am pushing and pushing. So we take a step back and relax a little. But I didnt know that you d give me another shot. I could only hope and pray, so thats what I did. And here we are. And we re better for it because as I see it we are both a lot more unwound. Dont you think? You know I m not a churchie like my aunt is but really God has been good to me. You know between the time at the golf course and when I moved out of my apartment there is an 8 month time frame. And for most of that time I slept in my car. I only tell you this Andie because we re so close. Thats why it took me so long to get this far. Now, nothat wasnt a good time. But it really could have been worse. I could have not had a car to sleep in. Norhave had enough money to put my stuff in storage and keep it there. But I did. And I had enough money to make sure I could eat every day, drive my car, wash myclothes, shave and so on. I could go to the movies on the weekends to pass time. It could have been worse, it really could have been. But it wasnt. It was OK. And you learn how to deal with and do alot of things. But from that point to now, its been a really nice time. Meeting you has been the icing on the cake though. I know things will only get better. All at once? No. Will they be perfect? No. But overall this will be the most beautiful time of my life, I believe.
And the best part of this is that you understand everyword I am saying now, dont you?

She said "Try me" so I did

You re sick Andie. What did you do forward thesemessages home and then respond to me?Go ahead try you huh?OK I will.

1. The one I said look at first was a woman blowing ahorse. and then the horse shot his load in her face. She was swallowing it and spitting it back out.

2. One of those was the girl i was telling aboutearlier who was ejaculating but it looked like she waspissing while she was having her orgasm.

3. The clip I just sent you was some chick fuckingthe gear shifter in her car.

4. One of the clips was some white girl getting fuckin the ass for the 1st time, and she was bawling abouthow much it was killing her.

5. There is chick who is pushing an apple out of herpussy like shes giving birth to it.

6. Some white girl who gonna fuck a guy only todiscover his dick look like a tree trunk.

7. And these people who can mangae to cram a can orsome odd object all up in their ass or pussy, like asoda can or 2 foot cucumber

8. the clip where the girl is getting fisted in theass. and the chick balls up her fist before she pullsit out of her ass.

See if you were a guy by now you d be like "OH MAN, IGOTTA SEE THAT CRAZY SHIT!!!!" But as a woman you reprobably like "Eww, who wants to see that? Thatsounds disgusting. You re a pervert."

Pepper’s Butt

So you d like to know what I think about your butt? OK. I think your butt is fantastic. I like the color, I like the stretch marks. I like the shape. I want to lie in bed next to it. Play with it. Slap it, tickle it. I want to have you walk around me in your underwear so I can see it hide from me. I want to see your butt when you wash dishes. I want to see it shake when you do. I d like to see it walk away from me and then come back. I want to take your butt cheeks in my hands and put my mouth on them and say my name into your bootie and see if I hear an echo. Yea, I know its pointless but I still want to do it nonetheless. I want to lie next to you while you read the newspaper or something while I take time to spread lotion all over your bootie.
I want you to press your bulbous ass against my dick and to hear your ass actually ask it “if it can come out and play?”
I want to lick it everywhere, I want to start at the top of your ass and lick every place that has skin. I want to lick it on the left, on the right, in the middle. Definitely in the middle.
I want to put your butt in my hands and play ‘Which side weighs more?’ with the cheeks. I want to jiggle it around.
I want to get a tiny spoon and put a little strawberry jelly on your ass and work it around with my tongue. I already know what you taste so essentially I am accentuating it. I want to taste your ass with the windows open so anybody walking by can see I m on cloud 9, that it just doesn’t get any better than this.

I want to put my tongue on your asshole. I want to tongue it to give you nice feelings.
You want to know what your butthole looks like? It looks like an inverted end of a Ball Park frank. You know the type? “It plumps when you cook it”? I want to run my tongue from the crack of your ass to your pussy. I want you to roll my tongue from your Ball Park to your Bare Bear. I want to put gelatin on my finger and prairie dog your butt hole while you clench your ass muscles and try to trap my finger there. I want to hear you say to me that you “want me to take you in the ass”. I want to see you prop yourself up in the doggy style and pucker up your asshole inviting me in. I want to see you yell out “Aaagh!!” when my foot slips off the bed and the dick went in you too fast and it hurt. So you scooted forward and it came out totally and you covered your asshole with your hand like something was going to fall out.
I want to put you on your back and place your legs toward your face giving me clear access to your ass. I want to watch your pussy pulsate as I push my dick into your ass and have you pinch my arms because it stings a little when its in too deep. I want to see the grimaces on your face when I pull it out after I have put the whole thing inside you. I want to grab your right ass cheek as I m plowing your butt because you are so excited your right leg is shaking and in this position its almost like you re kicking me in the face.
I want to turn you over put your face down on the bed and cram the cock in your pussy and then pull out and come on your ass.
I want you to think right now that I have no respect to you and you re just an asshole to me. So when I leave you ll have this tired, confused, look on your face.

What do I think of you?

What do I think of you?

Well, you know Pepper sometimes you re a wonder and other times you re a nut job. And the worst time? Is anytime in close proximity to you being open. It’s like you re the wind or something. One day you ll blow north and the next day you ll blow south. Some days it’s funny, some days I think you re full of shit. Is it hard to describe you? No. but you re not a simple person so you gotta keep that in mind and reflect on the woman I know. But this isn’t something that I can do and say all at once, I ve been talking to you for 4 months so its always something here and there and to say it all, not enough time in the day to do that. So there are things that will be talked about separately.

It’s like today with the panties. You make a whole thing about not accepting them. I got them for you. You know WHY I got them. So take them. But you won’t because in order for you to do that because to accept them a person has to be “your man”. You’re just holding onto minor details here. Last night it was beautiful but then you go and complicate things today. But I understand you always got to have your guard up even when it’s not necessary. But truthfully I sometimes can’t tell lack of interest with playing hard to get. That’s as simple as I can say it. You know? Yesterday, I felt interest. A lot of interest, today I feel like a booger on your sleeve. An inconvenience. Which is only to say that you play your part well, because I m confused as hell. But with respect to the context of you accepting these underwear. Who’s closer to the position than I am? If there s no one then pull out the help wanted sign and enjoy yourself, speaking frivolously. You don’t like what I write for some unknown reason. You like it because it makes you feel good. Feel good about being a woman. Feel good about being a mom. Feel good about being Pepper Pimiento or Fonzarelli whatever. So this is the simple logic here, if I tell you things that make you feel good. And you like feeling good, then essentially you like ME for making you feel good. Any questions?

You know why I don’t call you on the weekends? Not because you re hanging out with your family. I don’t do it because I don’t ever want to run out of things to talk about with you. Between you and I the hardest thing I ve notice is actually finding something to START talking about(catching you on a difficult day don’t help no fuckin’ way, neither). Talking to you is important to me because it is really to me the best part of my day. When I m not talking to you I imagine talking to you. I imagine what I would say to you. And hoping I can remember that thing until the next time I talk to you so I can actually say it. I replay the stuff we already talked about in my head and imagined what it would have been like if we were in the same place at the same time. I think about the stuff you didn’t tell me with respect to what you did. Sometimes there aint enough time in the day.
Its like I have to earn your affections and its not that bad, because honestly I m closer than anyone else is. You may not admit it to me, but that doesn’t mean its not true. To deal with you sometimes you gotta have the resolve of Superman. I don’t so I take things with you as they come the day they come. I already got a handle on you sexually. I think you ve come to terms with this. I cant deny it. It is like ownership. A title to your body. And the pride that comes with it. You want to be able to walk into a room and think to yourself “yea I have complete mastery of her body”. And to have other people know that. That’s a great feeling. But what I want, is not that part of when you are on top of her inside her but the after part. When you are outside of her, next to her and she is on top of you. To talk about those things when the both of you have the same pulse. Because with her its not a plan to fuck the shit out of her, so let me do my thing. It s to thank her for sharing her body with me. That’s what I want. What I really want it the emotional side of you. I want the part of you that scared to tell me what she s scared about. The part of you that thinks about the future to tell me about that. The part of you that gets old to get old with me. Hmmm, I think I stepped over the line there. There isn’t a way to misunderstand that. Is there?

So what I m saying is play as hard to get as you need to but don t make it to HARD...actually in retrospect I don’t care anymore I m already on the inside so I just gotta play along when you give me the roast. You didn’t think I can be that astute to other aspects of you and not notice the one most influential to me and my position?
And then you say you re not missing anything. I mean, really? I got 4 months in I aint going nowhere but it feels good to be appreciated.Wasn’t planning on telling you this at least not today but this is one of the ‘difficult’ days.

What else would you like to know?
And you still want examples don’t you?

What does it mean to have the same pulse?

That you really understand that person. And everything that happens with them you are always in a state of preparedness. You can distinguish frivolous situations from fearsome ones. You have the ability to see those things even when they are not said.

I think I have upset you. I m on my way out and I know that its off limits, I understand. If this is another line with you, Ok, I ll talk to you in a few weeks then.
But you thought I was just fucking with you when I said I worry about you? You don’t even know. There are things that I can even find the words to write but I feel and think when I m not talking to you.
Pepper, I may not be the most sensitive man out there, but with you I m working on it.

I cant save you from that, that is too big a yoke for me to pull. And before you get to bent out shape, just listen, I m not saying that I want to save you, but you cant bear that weight forever.

I cant say that I m not familiar with the environment, but you knew I d discover that. I am genuinely interested in you as a person and I am concerned with how you are dealing with it. Listen, since you told it to me I was thinking about it and how it affects your personality. Because what you described as being bi-polar actually sounds similar to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or Complex PTSD(and in your case specifically, Rape Trauma Syndrome). You re right I shouldn’t be talking about this until you re comfortable with it, but there are segments that are relevant to your life. The part of Borderline Personality Disorder that described some of the personality conflicts that affect rape victims like oversexualization or sex addiction, sexual promiscuity during the high phases of manic phases. Its mentioned things like the confusion is identity issues, the insecurity in yourself, the emotions of shame, anger, fear and guilt and the low self-esteem and feeling that sex was a substitute for affection. All of this to counter the feelings of helplessness degradation and powerlessness.

Played out in some light skin fruit cake fag cop fetish(personal bias all mine) as an additional attempt at being secure. To be safe at home.
For this I can safely say I love you Pepper. Not some pie in the sky, under the cherry moon, holding hands and white pickets fences bullshit that you are thinking. Nope. I don’t got that. I got feelings for you part like my little sister and part like the green leaf on a tree loves the tree its attached to. If anything the reason to hold you hand is to assure you that you’re not alone out here.
This shit don’t sound romantic because you re on the defensive right now, but you know I think I ve said too much today, so I m going to go.

"You re not my type"

I m not your type. You don’t have a type and the type you do have isn’t worth the time of day. At least not my time of day. Your type is a guy who strings you along for 4 years and makes you believe you are in a relationship with him when he’s in a relationship with someone else. Your type is a man who decides that he doesn’t want any more children after you are already pregnant. This is what I am competing against? Your type? Your type has you in the hospital in the maternity ward giving birth to their child by yourself, twice. Your type has you leaving the hospital with their child by yourself. Your type? You don’t have a fucking type.

Any fucking type you have that has you bent over a barrel isnt worth the effort. What kind of type do you have where in the end all you get is misery, heartache, confusion, rejection, desperation, depression and agony? Don’t sound like a good type to me. What type do you pick that never respects you in the first place? This is what I am competing against. The ghosts of types past. These men aren’t worth much, but they got the most glorious parts of you. I get the leftovers and some nonsense about not being your type.

When you are feeling romantic why don’t you ask your type to describe you then? Why don’t you ask your type to tell you what they think about you and why they think that? Why don’t you ask your type to say those things to you all the time to make you feel better about yourself. I m curious to hear what your type has to say. When you want to hear someone talk about your ass where is your type? Where is he? I would really like to hear what he has to say.
Your type can eat my balls. Where is your type now? I put in months of work where is your type? Where is his effort? Where are the “smiles” for your type? Where are the “cool points” for your type? Where is your type when you want to hear things to make you imagine things? How does your type make your imagination wander? Where is your type with dynamic words to utilize your vivid imagination? Where is he? I don’t see him anywhere around. What kind of work does your type put in to make your day pass better? I don’t see him around. Your type? Don’t sound too worthy to me. Where is he to teach you how to get fucked in the ass? I don’t see your type. What happened? Is he on vacation? Where is your type when you tell him how you used to whore yourself because you felt neglected and discarded? Is your type going to be compassionate because he knows what you mean? And will your type be regretful that he didn’t know you then, because if he had he would have done anything to make you not feel that way?

Does your type really enjoy talking to you even when there is nothing more to say? If so then how come he don’t call you more often? I mean if your type really thought you were that important to his well being he would tell you that wouldn’t he? Where is your type that even when he s mad at you and don’t want to talk to you anymore can help himself but from talking to you? How come your type isn’t addicted to YOU? How come your type wouldn’t walk over fiery coals and fight wild fish in the sea, just to have you not cry over anymore bullshit? Hmmm, really curious as to what your type would do?

And then there is this thing with picture. You made it sound as though I stole the picture from you. Why do I make a big deal over it? Because honestly if you didn’t want me to have the picture you shouldn’t have sent it to me. When you send someone a picture with your titty sticking out it insinuates something. It means that you are interested in that person and this is how you express it by showing a semi-nude photograph. But then to say that it’s the only one I m going to get means that somehow I lost some trust or manipulated you somehow to get it or that I wasn’t supposed to have it anyway.
I don’t want anything if it’s the only one I m going to get. If it s better than nothing, I d rather not have nothing.

And then to deny taking the underwear because only “your man” can give you that stuff. I don’t see no one else around. Not another soul for miles. Where is your type to come to your rescue?

Ps & Ds

She said to me one day "Lol u like lookin at dicks."

I said back to her "Well I like looking at Mine. You see dicks is part of the puzzle when you like looking at pussies. I m just saying that there are lot of bad looking dicks out there. Is all I m saying. Thats all I m saying. Its like pussies. I can look at pussy all day. I could say there are alot of bad looking pussies out there but pussy looks different at different times of the day. And I still love it. This one clip chick said she was ejaculating. i dontknow it just look like she was peeing to me. I mean she did appear to be O'ing out because her pussy walls are like turning inside out but it still looks like she pissing all over the place. That stream right there looks like Piss not Women jizz. is all I m saying. Now this one here the chick is playing the violin with her pussy..."

Garage gangbang and cumbath

So I happen to be throwing a party for my closest buds from the Seaweed Beer race team and you re invited. It’s like maybe 15-16 people and you came over early to help me set up the place. We're about done when the guys start showing up. I tell them to make themselves at home while we finish setting out some final touches. We go into the kitchen and I notice that you wiggle your butt when you re working. I like that. I slip my hand in between your thighs and move it north towards your crotch. You say “Stop.” I say “I like.” You say “Not now, there are people here.” I say “Let them eat cake and corn chips. I like.” You laugh and look at me. The look on your face says “You’re funny.” I say to you “Let’s set this food out and go into the garage.” You say “Why?” I say “You know why, I want to show you my tool.” You laugh again. So after the table is set with snacks and all other stuff, I tell the guests to help themselves, we re going to do some laundry. I grab your hand and lead you into the garage. I bring you over to the washing machine and start kissing you. Being this is summer you don’t have long pants on. You have shorts on, so I pull them off and it’s real easy to do. So we re standing in the garage and you're naked from the waist down. More people are arriving to the party. I pick you up and put you on the edge of the washing machine and nibble on your hairless bare necessity. I do that for a few minutes before my knees start to hurt from being on the concrete floor. I bring you over to my work out bench and lay you on it. You take off your shirt and bra. I am loving it. Just naked as the day is long in my garage while the rest of the house is full of guests eating corn chips and wieners. So I lay you on the bench and start rubbing your pussy like a weatherman. Like a weatherman? Yea, because I m looking for any sign of moisture. I m at the head of the bench and I took my jeans off while you were taking your top off. I put my dick in close proximity to your mouth and let you do the rest. I m take time to massage your clit that looks swollen in the sunlight coming from the windows in the garage. Its look like a roast turkey in color compared to the rest of your pussy. I m rubbing your clit and pussy lips warmly while I m standing over your head with my dick in your mouth. We're so involved in ourselves that we don’t notice that Larry and Barry have come into the garage looking for the hosts of the party. I m standing there over you and Barry says “Whoa! What have we stumbled onto here?” I look at you and you are embarrassed because you’re caught in the act, naked in the garage and even more you ve got a dick in your mouth. You try to get up to run over to the washing machine and get dressed but I look at you and say “Don’t move.” I say to Barry “You want some of this?” He looks at Larry and says “Now, this is a party.” You got a mad look on your face but I kneel down and whisper to you “Hey, let s see where this goes. Remember, that time on the riverfront? Maybe you can have some real fun here.” Larry goes back into the house to tell the rest of the gang that Barry is about to fuck this girl in the garage. So everyone files into the garage to see the main event. I m rubbing your pussy and its pretty wet by now so I throw Barry a condom and say “Soups on!” He puts the condom on and invades your pussy. The rest of the guys are gathered around to watch. I bend down to French kiss you although I m upside down to you. In order for our mouths to meet, my nose is by your neck and your nose is by my neck. You bend your arms towards your face to cover your face but I hold your hands to put you at ease. Barry isn’t really good at this. He's stabbing you with no specific rhythm or pace. I look up at the crowd and say “Who’s next?” Everyone raises their hands, so I say to them “Get a hat and get in line, then.” Barry stops moving, pulls out and says aloud “I m done.” I know you re not comfortable being the center of attention when it means being butt naked in a room of 18 men being screwed in random order. So when Barry pulls out, he s replaced by another guy who jerks fast and cums. Then Jerry moves in and starts pumping away. The rest of the guys start to disrobe and tell jokes about how this is the best party they have ever been to. Jerry doesn’t last long and he drops out, then one of Jerry’s friends takes his place and tries to own the pussy. Not close. Kerry moves in to take his place. Kerry has a nice rhythm but a small dick, so Larry and Barry have to hold your legs back so he can get into you as far as he can with what he s working with. Kerry comes and goes, so to speak, in one fell swoop. Kerry’s lawyer is there and he wants to get some oral action in on the pussy, but there aint no time for that. The garage is full of hard dicks. No time for licks. Perry steps up to bat after Kerry moves to the left. So far you have done about 9 guys in 35 minutes. I go into the kitchen to get the KY Jelly I keep in the refrigerator door. You re starting to dry up because none of these guys have been particularly great, but the attention you get is thrilling. While I was away Perry pulled out and let some smaller cock guy whose name I cant remember come and go and then he went back in you. I come back with the chilled jelly and its apparent Perry had his fill, he loses his boner. I think it is Performance anxiety. I spread some of the chilled jelly in my hand and slap it on your pussy. It feels soothing to you but you tell me you can take any more you re tired, I can see it in your face. I say just one more and that will be that. You wince “OK, one more.” I say to the crowd “Ok, fellas the lady is getting tired there will ONE more cock in the pocket. Make it good.” That’s when Gary steps up and says “That’s me then.” This looks interesting, I think he s bigger than the last 3 guys combined. He shoves it into you and its like your eyes roll back into your head. You don’t say anything but your mouth makes a motion like “Ouch.” You tell me later that it felt like something was ripping or being stretched out of shape. But Gary makes all the rest of the guys envious, his performance should be rewarded. He pulls out, rips off the condom and shoots his load on your pussy pocket (you know the space between your pussy and your right and left leg). The rest of the guys knowing that you re too tired to take more dicks, ask me if they can jerk off on you. I ask you and you say “Sure.” So the other 9 guys that didn’t get any pussy stand over your belly and tits and jerk off and cum right onto you. It s quite a sperm stew you have there. When its all over you lie there on the bench too tired to move and just gaze at the sunlight coming through the window. The rest of the guys have gone back to the party to enjoy themselves some more. I go into the house and come back with an ice pack for your pussy and something cold for you to drink. We talk out there for like 20 minutes. Then because you are too tired to walk and even though all covered in cum I carry you upstairs so you can go to sleep for a bit.

Peppers 1st Anal

We are in your bedroom looking up something on the computer, maybe interior for your car or something and you want to know how I would describe you. I say come over here to the bed and let me figure that out. You say “No.” I say “come on”. You say “Why should I? What you gonna do?” I say in response “You can’t ever do anything just because someone asks you to? You gotta make a contest out of everything? You want to know why I want you to come over here? OK, I tell you…I want to fuck you in the ass.” Silence. You start waving your finger and saying “No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is a natural butt. I don’t think I like that. Besides it hurts. I don’t want to do that.” All of this means that you have tried it before (probably several times) but it didn’t go according to plan. That’s when I show you my bag or tricks. Nothing special, just a few things I got at CVS that can make it easier. I say to you “It hurt because your partner wasn’t patient enough and didn’t know how to do it right. Let me teach you how to do it.” “It’s going to hurt” you say. I respond “Let me do this? I know how to do it well. OK, I tell you what, we come up with a code word if it hurts and you want to stop. You re from Mayaguez, OK, so we’ll make that the code word” “I don’t know” you say. “Trust me” I say “I don’t want to hurt you. OK?” I’ll try it” you say. So I start to undress by taking off my shoes and my shirt while you undo the belt to your pants and start to take your pants off. You take your pants off and as you do that you stare at the bag and ask me “What is all that stuff?” I say “I’ll show you. The bag only has about 4 or 5 items in it, but everything is really useful and if used properly. There is an enema bottle, a 1 ounce bottle of benzocaine, a small bottle of warming gel, a small spray bottle that I ve filled with water, ultra-thin condoms and a small pack of baby-wipes.” You ask me “What’s all that for though?” “I’ll show as I tell you” I say. You’re standing there in your underwear and a blouse staring at me and say “What do I do now?” I point to your underwear and say “Take them off, come over here and bend over. First thing you gotta do is get the enema. It makes things much cleaner, you know? So I take the applicator tip for the enema bottle and insert it in your ass and squeeze the bottle. I take the baby wipes and use them to get any overflow from the bottle.” “This better not hurt” you say as we wait the 5 minutes required for the enema to take effect. “I’ll try my best” I say, “Lets go to the bathroom and wash that out.” You go sit on the toilet to flush the enema out. Take a minute for yourself and then come back. “Now what” you say. “OK, now lay down over here on your stomach and we’ll do something else.” “What?” you say. I grab some more baby wipes to clean up any thing left over by the enema. Then I grab the warming gel and put a huge dab on my fingers and start prairie dogging your butt hole. Just pushing my finger on the back door and watching your reaction for discomfort. I grab some of the benzocaine(which is just a liquid gel bottle of Ambisol or Orajel, the baby teething crème. I squirt that into the receptacle end of one of them condoms and put my finger on the inside and push that into your butt to numb you from any discomfort from penetration. Then I put more warming gel on my fingers and guide them around your butt working the tension out of the hole. I take the condom that I had with the Ambisol and unwrap that around the vibrator that I had brought with me. The vibrator’s purpose is to open you up more so it doesn’t hurt during penetration. The Orajel is to numb any discomfort, and I used A LOT of lubrication to diminish that also. So I put the vibrator in slow and wait for you to say that it hurts. You don’t so I turn it on. I turn it on slow speed and push it in slightly and let it hang there for a few seconds then I pull it out a bit. I do this about 5 minutes. All in all I don’t enter you more than 3 inches with the dildo. This way you can control the rate and depth of penetration and go at your own pace. I ask you how you feel. You say “Is Ok.” I ask if you want me to stop and you say “No, is ok”. So I turn the speed up on the vibrator a bit and let you work the action por la entrada and salida de tu culo. I say “You OK?” “I m Ok” you say.

I take the tube of gel and put a little in another condom and then unroll it on my dick. I slide up to you and slide you down a little. I pick your waist up and run my index finger down your ass crack to see how tight you may still be in your ass. I take the spray bottle and spray a bit of water on your butt hole to rejuvenate the gel that got a little dry since we d begun. I remove the dildo and ask you if you re ready to try it for real. You say “Why not?” I pull the dildo totally out and look at your butt. The hole is open a bit like an inch. I put some gel in my hand and I slap it against your asshole. I yoke my dick at the base and push against your hole lightly. The head goes in and I stop there. I wait to see if there is a reaction on your face. I m not sure if I used too much Ambisol because you don’t say much but I would rather be on the safe side than not used enough. I hang right there for a minute and push it in a little bit more. I m not going all the way in because this is your first time, I think I will work within the range of the dildo and just go in for 3 inches. Now that you re in the doggy style position you can control the depth of penetration by either moving forward or pushing back against it.

Miami tales #24

Neali was a hoe. She knew it. She travelled in circles of hoes that would hoe it up. But the thing was those girls she whored with came from affluent families so when they got bored hoeing their families would set them up in some business or professional relationship. She never got that. She thought it was a betrayal from her friends. When in actuality I think it was a game to them. But they had the means to walk away from it and no one would be the wiser. She didnt have any means to do that. She was just as broke before the fuck as she was after the fuck. You know you re a whore when you openly admit that having sex with one person(at a time) doesnt do it for you anymore. Her thing was 2 guys or girls or whatever. Somehow she didnt understand that most guys dont want their balls touching when they pole position(apt word) for the girl they re screwing. You know you re a whore when you lose your job because not only did you screw a guy from your job but you got caught on the surveillance camera. She tried to turn the whore button off, but honestly she could only do it in Miami because everyone she was hanging out with was gay. But to her they still wanted to sleep with her. If hes gay I think he d rather sleep with your shoes than you, right?

She said "Ok and the story did not end..." So I continued.

Nah, because she was always about "this guys dick wasthis long but he didnt know how to use it." I m like"Duh, he gets it hard and sticks it in you. I mpretty sure thats how you use it." She was like "Hehad 12 inches but he didnt work it right." I m like"Who wants a dick with 12 inches? You cant use itanyway, anyhow, anywhere, unless you re fucking horsesor wild animals. I mean in most instances you can olyfit 4-5-6 inches in a woman if you in the pussy, mouthor the ass anyway. So the other half a foot of dickaint getting no love so to speak. It doesnt even getwet. So why you need it. I mean some girls want youto ram them and beat against their uterus but I m notinto no violent shit. Thats why I dont like some ofthe adult films out there. Max Hardcore, RoccoSifredi, Nacho Valdez, those niggas are too violentfor me. Choking bitches, slapping them, spitting intheir faces, cumming in their eyes, not me bro. I amnot into violence. But anyway exactly how is a guysupposed to use a 12" dick? I mean he OBVIOUSLYshould be better than a dude with 3". Because I m noteven sure what you can do with 3" except finger paint. So I m not envious of the guy with the dick as longas a jump rope and I m not pitiful for the guy withthe pencil stub dick. but she was funny though, heres what she wanted to doone time. She was hugely into exhibitionism. Sheactually wanted to do it at that golf course one time,but that was the day I forgot to bring my blanket withme. So one time what she wanted to do was invite herfriends over like a Mary Kay or Tupperware type ofparty or something like that. You know a soup and nutswine and cheese type of thing. And she wanted me toscrew her in front of her friends like it was liveentertainment. They would give us kudos or critiqueas we were doing it. I didnt mind doing it but she hadalienated so many of her male friends with herfreeloading and her female friends were all in NY.
"You have a problem trusting people. Yea you have had bad experiences but some of that is your fault in as much as the other persons. I ll accept my fault for telling you to trust me and not proving that you can trust me. I m sorry for not taking the things you told me in confidence. I know how you feel that I may have thrown the things back in your face. I didnt meant for it to be like that. I m trusting that you can put down your guard with ME for a minute to actually enjoy your life. I m doing this so you re whole life wont be that soldier song..."

She says "Its not easy."

I respond "I know its not easy. And I didnt make it any easierfor you. I know that my job was just to listen. ButI have so many questions that just listening wouldntanswer them all unless I had days and days. But Iknow it was also wrong of me to demand that you tell me what I was curious about when I wanted to know instead of when you felt comfortable to share. I msorry.But you have to be more forward when someone iscrossing the line with you.Oh no! now he has a homie and they are talkingYu-Gi-Oh politics. He has his own cards also. These niggas got like probably 500 cards between them. How many do you have?"

Y U R A Vagina

Why do I call you that? Listen the way I see it ifyou re going to get upset at least now you have areason. A bonafide reason. I call you Vagina becauseevery time I talk to you get your pussy all stretchedout of shape for nothing. OK, I apologize. I waswrong to demand that you tell me every aspect of yourlife a couple of Thursdays ago. I was wrong. I admitit now. You mentioned minor details about this andthat but became close lipped about the rest. I wouldhave gotten what I want anyway, if I had been morepatient. They way I see it, you always spill, butjust not at the time when I ask. But fuck, does anyone else care? What kind of person do you meet thatyou can sit there and talk about dumb shit all day? Idon’t give a fuck about El Gordo y La Flaca, nor noneof that shit. Do I have a problem saying your name? No. But don’tsit there and tell me all this shit you want to do inyour life and when I try to give you support doing it,pursuing it, my advances are unwelcome. That’sbullshit, and only vaginas do that. You are sittingthere telling me you meant to fail every time you did. Don’t run that bullshit on me. And then how I throweverything back in your face when I ask you to reviewwhat you have done and were they the results youwanted. Because if you paid attention I ve never usedit against you. I was trying to get you to noticeyour pattern so you wouldn’t do it again. Don’t tellme how you don’t settle for less when that is exactlywhat you do. Now you want me to believe that you rethinking about going to school? Sounds like bullshitto me. You told me last month “Fuck people if theywant to go to school. I like my life the way it isright now.” You remember that? I do. I listen toevery word you say. I read every word you write(whenyou spell them correctly). So don’t hump my leg withthat bullshit how you want to make your life betternow when you were so content with the nothingness thatcomposed it before. That’s why I call you Vagina. Action speaks louder than words. So uh, what yougoing to do now? You say you want to go to school anddo this and do that? So now what? If you asked me,which you don’t because you re too busy being someangry bitch with a self inflicted persecution complex,I could tell you how to do it, how to follow throughon it. “I don’t need any friends, I don’t neednobody, I only want ‘people I know’.” This is why youre a vagina. There is a way you can make steps togive yourself this better life you want for you andyour girls in a week. But you wont do it. You soundgood on Sunday, but then you ll fill the rest of yourweek with horse cum and donkey shit to lose out onwhat you re interested in. How should you do it? Well, OK, you haven’t been to school in like 15 yearsso you should start at the community college level. Camden County College offers the program you reinterested in and many more if you re not sure aboutaccounting. You can download the application fromtheir website. You re too late for Spring 2007 butyou can start in Summer 2007 or Fall 2007. Now youcan download the Financial Aid papers from thatwebsite. You can even fill it out online! Get yourrecords from your high school. Your daughter will bein the 1st grade so you ll have time after work whereyou can take 1 or 2 classes. You can even getUnemployment Insurance by being a full-time student,because it is also considered a Job training program. They offer night classes, weekend classes, summerclasses, online classes. But you wont do it though. If you need help writing in English I can help you,but you wont accept it. Why? Because you are avagina. So now what are you going to do? Are you going toenroll in college and drop out in the first 2 weeks ofthe new semester? I already know bitches like that. I had a friend that I offered to drive her to and pickher up from business school and her dumbass didn’tlast 2 weeks. She could ask her mother for $20 to gopartying but not $20 to take the bus to school? Sheenrolls in community college 10 years later and dropsout in the first week. Yea, she s a vagina too. Always talking that bullshit about making your lifebetter but never putting in any serious effort. Whydid she quit? Because it was hard. You know at thistime in your life everything is going to be hardbecause you live in an environment where a lot ofpeople give up. I had another friend in Miami, shedid the same shit. She dropped out in the first week. Why? Because she didn’t feel comfortable beingaround all those younger students. That is thebiggest load of nonsense. Those other students aintworried about you, they have their own problems. Sowhat makes you different? This will be your excuse. Why? Wasn’t this your excuse for the county jail job? You didn’t want to be 36 years old in the trainingacademy? As if you would be the only one? Likeeveryone there is fresh out of high school? I cantguarantee that there will be any other 36 year oldsbut you wont be alone. There may be men/women olderthan you, the same age as you or a little younger thanyou in the same class. But you re full of shit so itnever really mattered that much. If not the age thingthen it would be that you didn’t want a job where youhad to wear a cotton uniform or some other uselessthing that would allow you to chicken out. So I callyou vagina. What about the friends you have now whowill turn their back on you when you tell them youwant to make your life better? You want an education. A career. An ability to earn your own income andhave a skill that people can utilize and you canprofit from. The things they will say to you. Didntyou say those things to me? “You think you re betterthan everyone?” “Why do you talk like that?” “Youdon’t live in reality.” Maybe even “You re trying tobe white?” Don’t tell me about your potential ifyou are not willing accept assistance from people whocan help you get there. I have told you ever since Ihave known you that I believe you can do better thanyou are doing. What do I get for my reward? “I don’tneed YOU. I don’t need nobody and definitely notYOU.” “I guess I was right about what I told you.” This is what I get. I don’t get “How can I do this….? How can I do that….? Do you think I ….?” I getcalled pathetic and lonely because I see a beautifulwoman floundering in some crap-ass life she set up forherself. In my head she should be doing better andshe should be doing more but she feels fine to beliving in some shit-hole ubicacion, in some shit holecity. You re going to tell me in multiple sentencesand emails how you try so hard to make it better. Andwhat it is you d like to attempt to do, in yourdreams. But why dream about it and not do it? Itsnot like your planning to be an astronaut. And thatis why I call you vagina. When you start acting likethe woman you were meant to be and not like a pussythen I ll stop calling you vagina. But I don’t get a‘Thank you’ or ‘Can you help me figure this out…?’. Iget ‘FUCK YOU!’ That’s what I get. So I want you totell me Andrea if you re going to act like a pussy whycan t I be a dick? Was this too long? Hell yea, but they are always toolong….

2/1 part 3

When I finish my bowl of cereal I go in the home office and get the digital camera. I come back and take some sizzling pictures of you sucking Morty's dick. I get behind you and start stroking my dick. I bend down on my knees and start feeling on your bootie and running my hand up your ass crack to see if you are wet. I take my dick and push against you. I push against your pussy to see how far I can get. You know I m there but you re still sucking Morty's cock so everything is invisible. I m just in you a little bit but I start pulling and pushing. I working a slow rhythm with you until I get it all the way in. When that happens its like the first time in 15 minutes that you have acknowledged that there is someone else in the room. You bend your left arm backwards to push against my chest because it hurts and I m in you too far. I pull back slightly but I m still hitting it slowly and deeply. We do this for a few minutes when I m say "Hey, let s go." Morty starts to stand up but you wont relinquish his dick from your mouth. I grab your arm and say again "Lets go." You stand up in a daze, because you got drool and slobber all around your mouth because you were like in a trance just sucking his dick for 15 minutes and also because you were on your knees so long that the lower part of your legs fell asleep. You stumble when you walk so I pick you up and we go back into the bedroom. I put you back on the bed. In the bedroom you take a baby wipe and wipe your face and then you lay down on your side. Morty is standing there waiting for direction. I tell him "Its heads or tails, brother. And I got heads. Here take this, put it on." With that I toss him a condom as I scoot around your head at the top of the bed. I bend over to kiss your titties and on my way down I ask you "Are you Ok?" You dont say anything but you nod your head yes, while your close your eyes. While I m kissing your titties and fondling your clit, I m checking to see if you are still wet. You are. You open your eyes and see my nuts and dick on top of your head. I tell Morty to push your legs back to me so I can hold them while he puts it in. He passes me the left leg then the right leg. When he does that I get a look at your Bare Bear and how much I love it. He works in into you with short slow movements, while I hold your legs back and move my dick head closer to your mouth. You tilt your head back and open your mouth and take it in. There isnt much room for you to move your head so I move my hips to thrust it in and out of your mouth. When Morty gets most of his dick into you he moves his knees forward to give himself some leverage with this dick thrusts. Now that he s in your better and has a better rhythm I pick up my pace also humping your mouth. We are both thrusting so quick and vigorous inside you that your body looks like an inchworm. Its sliding up from the bottom and sliding down from the top. Your tits are jiggling all over the place you have to hold them stationary with your arms. I m sort of worried you may get sea sick from the movement the bed is making with 2 men ravishing a woman on it.

Sea Breeze

So I Left the house this morning to go to New Jersey and when I got to my Cadillac it wouldnt start. I just paid this guy last week because he was a Cadillac Specialist to determine why it wouldnt run and to make it run. I only had the car back a week and I m sure he d had to address the issue of why it dont run now but I was upset because I cant wate all my time chasing down tow trucks and using up my service calls on my AAA plan. So I had to use the back up plan to carry out my chores for today.
Anyway when I got to Trenton I stop to get some coffee and in the store there was this painting. I think it was acrylic watercolor. It only showed either the wood blinds on the side of a cabana window or either the wood siding of the house, some tulips in the foreground and sandy beach in the background and what appeared to be some sailboats on the horizon in the distance. I thought is this painting really relaxing? I wouldnt think so. I mean its just some tulips, a beach, and ocean and some sailboats. Is this even the window of the house or the side of the house? Yea, this doesnt relax me. Then I thought what if I was there? The weather looks nice, but I d probably be bored. Then a voice in my head said "what if she was there with you?" What if she was there with me? Well? Thats when the painting is starting to become a wonderful place. If she was there with me then we could walk along the beach. No doubt this is a secluded place because that was the only way I could convince her to walk the shore with me in the nude. Of course she objected initially, she said she wasnt going to do it, then made it appear as though she was too self conscious about her body. Her gut she called it. But I told her aint nobody in the world think you re any more perfect than I do right now. So lets do it? And she did. She took all her clothes to let the sunshine bless her gold body. And she did it right before me. And from there we walked. We walked and we talked. I say that we talked but it was just us. It was just us. It was just us with her doing the talking and me doing the apologizing. We walked to the waters edge, I said some things that made her laugh. Man, I thought to myself if you didnt appreciate her then, you must do it now. Because when you laugh you can see the muscles in your torso move and your body bend it looks just like a lilac at the side of the river. Delicate. And the way the wind blows the seabreeze across her face. Very delicate.
So we continue to walk at the place where the water washes the sand. And we talk about everything and way at the end of the beach far away from the sailboats and the seagulls that follow them is nothing. Nothing? Yes, nothing. No sound of the waves, no wind blowing, no water rushing to land. Nothing. Just the sun, the sky and us. I turn to her, put my hands around her back . And her skin, her skin so warm and soft its like I m holding a porcelain vase. I step into her and kiss her.

2/1 part 4

So then when you re all sweaty and well enthused from the vigorous double cock action. I get from over your head and tell Morty to hold up a minute. I say "We gonna fill this girl up, nicely, nicely." He s like "What do you mean?" I say "Hold on a minute. Baby, get up." I help you up and then say ask you "How do you feel?" You say "A little worn out but I love it." I reach into the drawer and get some jelly. I ask Morty if he needs another condom. He says to me "What do you think?" I say "It couldnt hurt." I pass him a fresh rubber. He strips the old one off and puts a new one on. At the same time I take a dab of that jelly and stroke my dick up and down and then I tell Morty to take a little for himself and to lie down on the bed on his back. I help you back onto the bed and when your bent over I push my finger into you. Into your pussy to see how you feel. I also use the rest of my fingers to slather your lips with some jelly. I tell you to get on top of him, to ride him. You put your leg over him and sit down on his cock. You start to ride it slowly, I m still on the edge of the bed stroking my cock and looking at you bouncing up and down on him. He has his hands on your waist to keep you in position as you re bouncing on his cock.
Then it all comes apart. You happen to look him in the face and the strong eye contact starts to freak you out. You get freaked out because your magnetically fucking a guy who you dont even know. It was good for a minute because you never looked at him. But when you did you didnt like it. You hopped off the dick and ran to me. I asked "what was wrong?" You said "Nada, I just got a little spooked thats all." I asked if you wanted to continue, you said "OK" I figured we should try something a little different. I get behind you when you get back on top of Morty and then he puts himself back into you. I kneel down on the bed behind you between his legs and push myself into you also. But not into your ass, which is my most favorite place in the world, but into your pussy. Yea, thats right Andie, we re going to do double penetration into your pussy. He s already in you. And I figure with a much jelly as I put on my dick it should slide right in. Its a little tight, but I m easing my way in surely. I m not really into the combination of his shaft and nuts and my shaft and nuts touching but you are enjoying this a whole lot so I tolerate it. OK, I just got it in, Ok, Ok you need a minute...OK, he starts to thrust into you from below. I push into you from behind. You ass is moving back and down rapidly like the waves in the ocean at high tide. You start moaning and groaning quickly and loudly from the two cocks inside your pussy. Then apart from all this you say "Alan, I want to see you." I say "OK." I pull me out and tell you to turn around. You stand up off of Morty's dick and sit back down this time your back facing him and facing me. He plops it back into you Reverse Cowgirl style and I push myself back into you again. But this time your working two dicks but with your arms wrapped around me and you feel much safer. You look into my eyes as we both pound your pussy. I place my hands on Morty's knees to get closer to you and lean my head into you and you lean your head into me and we kiss each other. By doing this brings you closer to orgasm and you start jerking your hips erratically, changing the pace of Morty's timing. He says "Shit, I m gotta go!" He drops his legs, pulls out, squeezes the condom off and pull his dick under you on his stomach, effectively coming right between your ass. This leaves me as the sole contender to battle this pussy. Since Morty is out of service now I push you backwards on top of him as I move on top of both of you and pump away till I had to erupt. Then I pull you closer to me lift your legs up toward your chest and I shoot my shot inside you.
I pick you up and ask you "How was it?" You say "Fantastic." I say "Morty now you doin' over there?" He s like "Man, I love this shit, but right now I need to go somewhere and meditate on my good fortune today, my friend. Shalom." I take your hand and we go into the bathroom and I start the water in the shower running while you re playing with the toilet paper wiping his jizz from the crack of your ass. I put my arms around you and push you against the sink and french kiss you for a few minutes while the water in the shower makes the room all foggy.

2/1 interlude to make sure you re paying attention

OK. I grabbed your head and stuffed my cock in your mouth. I made you deep throat it. You were gagging and I slapped you "Shaddup!" I knocked out a few teeth when I crammed my nuts in your mouth also. YOu could barely breathe. I didnt care. You passed out and I ate a Snickers bar.
How is that?

2/1 part 2

Fuck it I guess that needs a part 2 doesnt it?

OK, so about an half hour later you decide that you cant sleep and you would like to do it some more. What's that? That you would like some more dick. I m in the kitchen making scrambled eggs. I ve standing by the stove with a one of them big gulp cups and its filled with orange juice. You come out of the bedroom naked and say "What's up?" I say "I thought you were sleep?"
You say "I couldnt. I want you guys to fuck me some more."
I say "Us?"
"Yea, you and Morty. You think he's up to it?" You say.
"I dont know, I ll ask him. But, what you got in mind, though?" I reply.
You counter "I dont know, but I m sure you ll think of something. What do you have there in the cup?"
"Let me get some"
"OK, I ll go get Morty"
"OK, I ll be right here"
So I leave to get him and you lean against the kitchen sink drinking my orange juice. I come back in about 2 minutes, Morty leaps into the room like a superhero here to save the day except that he has no cape and tights on. In fact he has nothing on, just a hard cock flapping in the wind. He s much more excited now not because he s in love with your pussy like I am but the fact that he being offered pussy for the 2nd time today and all he had to do was be in the room. Shit to him this is another chance to bust a nut. He says to you while you re drinking the orange juice "How you doin'? I thought you were sleep?" You dont even answer him you put the cup down and push him against the table and put his dick in your mouth. You take it all in to the point where you start gagging but you dont relinquish the dick. You try to take in as much as you can. Morty is surprised because he looks like he s being robbed right now but a incredibly hot mouthed sort of robbery. He inches his way to the chair and sit down and you come up to him and bob your head up and down in his lap taking in all his Mortimer goodness like a champ. I watch you and say to myself "She appears to be having fun." I go turn the stove off and rustle the eggs into a plate and put that on the table and get myself a bowl from the cupboard. You re still concentrating solely on Morty's dick. Your red hair is leaping and falling with the movements of your head over his crotch. Morty is running his fingers through his hair with his eyes closed because your lips create a nice purse on his cock. The sunlight creeps through the room and shines on your brown body and against his hairy one. Its funny because of all the things you are always worried about the only thing on your mind now is sucking his dick. You dont even swallow. As the saliva builds up in your mouth you just let it drool out onto his cock and balls. It makes a slick sound is making quite a puddle on the floor. I see you are having a good time so I set the eggs aside for when you finish. You can put them in the microwave for minute. I go get a spoon and milk from the refrigerator and sit down next to you guys at the table and watch you blow the living daylights out of Morty's dick. I turn around and pour myself a bowl of CrunchBerry Cap'n Crunch.

The Annual Anal Experiment

The Annual Anal experiment
I think back in 1999 or 2000, hmm I think it was 1998 to be exact, I used to work with these guys from Newark . We worked downtown Manhattan around the World Trade Center on Church St . They offered me the opportunity to hang out with them for Thanksgiving. I went to my boy TJs house for dinner. He gave me directions on how to get there by the bus after you take the subway from Downtown Manhattan to Penn Station, Newark . What he didn't tell me was that it was a blind date also. He was trying to hook up the older sister of his girlfriend. She was like 44, I think, maybe 42. Anyway she was pathetic. I mean she was sort of pretty, not a mule, but pathetic in a matter of just sort of dumb and not with the program. Her son was there he was like 22 or something. I was talking to him and he was cool. He was saying how he and his group were moving to LA to pursue their dream to be in the music business. But his mom was like all over me cornering me at the dinner table with some fucking checklist about what she wanted in a man. I'm like "That's good, Maybe Santa Claus would help you out." It was a long ass fucking list about some shit you read in Woman's World magazine. I wasn't really receptive till my boy TJ pulled my ear and was like "She's feeling you, see where it goes..." I m like "OK, man, but you should have told me this was some sort of set-up, because I wouldn't have came." So she takes me in the bathroom, because apparently after 25 years alive I don't know how to wash my hands. So she's washing my hands, see that's what I mean, there was something pathetic about her. But more so because she was living with a dude that wanted her to leave so he had her stay in the place but he never bought any food for her or nothing. That's cold. But she just stayed there like a dumbass. I cant remember if she was working or not but she was sort of sad-sack like so I m thinking she wasn't. But he was neglecting her in every way in an attempt to get her to move out or get lost or something along those lines. So its like around 10 or 11pm and we re still talking and my boy TJ is there on the couch waiting for me to tell him to give me a ride back to the train station so I can go home. So we move the conversation to her bedroom and somehow we end up on the floor under the ironing board(I cant remember exactly how we got there), anyway, I m over there kissing here and sucking her titties and she's like almost butt naked, right? And I m like thinking "Hey, what a great fucking way to close out this holiday." Then she stops, right, because she aint got no rubbers. I didn't bring any because I wasn't expecting to get laid. So she's hemming and hawing about doin' it. I'm like "I m sorry but I didn't bring any because I wasn't expecting to have sex." And she like bitching about how she cant get pregnant. "I cant get pregnant, I want to do it but you cant get me pregnant." So in order to close the deal I tell her when its time to come I'll just pull out. She finds that acceptable because she wants to do it so bad you can see it in her eyes. So there we are on the floor bumping and grinding for a few minutes. And I'm no where near coming so I keep going. She asks me(this is why I said she was sort of stupid) "Have you ever had sex ANNUALLY?" Now I m thinking hey its been a slow year for me. Here it is November 20-something, 1998 and this is the first time I'm having sex with a woman this year or even since last year, 1997. So this is like a once a year thing, so yea, I have. Of course, you do know annually means once a year, right? Well, she didn't. She meant to ask "Have you had sex ANALLY?" I m like sure. So I grab some Vaseline which surprisingly enough was on the floor by us and work it up in her bunghole. Now we started around 11pm and this is like 3am in the morning and she still wants it. And I have to oblige because I haven't came yet. But my boy is still on the couch waiting for me to tell him to take me back to the train station. But in the bedroom we move to the bed from the floor. I tagging this woman in all ways and she still cant get enough. I'm dying, not because I cant hang but, because I m dehydrated from all the damn stroking. Shit! Plus after 4 hours you know........? So anyway, the door is a bit cracked and we never paid any attention to it at all. But I get on my back and she starts to ride me. She's doing pretty good, but I m still no where near coming. And at like 3:40am and my man TJ comes back there to see what the hell the hold up is because, remember, he has been sitting on the couch for like 5 and a half hours waiting to leave. So he peeks through the door and see his sisters girlfriend bouncing up and down on the dick. He says through the crack in the door "WHAT! I m out there waiting to take your ass home and you sitting up in here fucking!?! Man, I'm going home, I ll see you tomorrow." But you should have seen her, she hopped off of me so quick you would have thought she was trying out for the Olympics. Or she was some froggy-style superhero. It was funny, because she hopped off the dick and ran behind the door to hide, like somehow that invalidated what he saw her doing. I'm thinking "What the hell....? Thanks, man, you re the real life of the party. You just couldn't stand there and watch?" Not saying that I'm feeling watching but shoot man you ruined some good action and now I gotta start from scratch. Well, the story gets a little cornier after know...she still wanted to fuck...I still didn't come. After like 5am I called it quits, I told her I had to get some sleep. She let me sleep for like 3 hours and at 8am she wanted to go at it again. She was nice, but I couldn't hang with her because she was always saying some shit I found to be stupid and I was like "Yuk, I cant even pretend I want to talk to her."
Its a funny story anyway.

2 men 1 woman part 1

2 men 1 woman
We are in the bedroom and I m playing with your butt and watching TV also. Nothing in particular, just the national news broadcast. You re sort of sleepy but you can do it one more time before you take a nap. So I get on top of you and start to message your back. I slide my hands under your bra and slip it over and off you. I grab your pants by the sides and pull them down to by your ankles and off throwing them on the floor. I turn you over and keeping your legs together bend them toward your chest and start licking your pussy. I only do this for a few minutes before I decide to enter you. I push it in and it feels great. I ve got a good pace. I m not too slow nor too fast. We re going along nicely but I think I m going to come too soon. Why? I m not tired but I like being inside you so much that I have to pace myself sometimes and today is one of them times. How much? You just don’t know? I m feel like that time when you eat something that is so nice that you have to give someone else a bite to share the experience. But I think you re unsatisfied so I keep playing with your titties as I admire the feeling of being inside you. I ve got an idea. My friend, Morty, is in the next room, and just like the food example, I ve got to get him to sample this pussy to confirm how good it feels to be inside you. So I go get him and explain to him that he has got to sample this pussy. You are a bit apprehensive but I m right there with you so you re calm. I lay on your right side and play with your body, touching, and massaging while he gets undressed. He doesn’t know how or where to start so I start by sucking on your tits to get you more excited and he stands at the end of the bed stroking his dick trying to get it up. I push you over more to the center of the bed while I take my left hand and caress your face and kiss you taking you tongue in my mouth and kissing your mouth and onto your neck. You re not really sure what to do with your hands because with your right hand you put it around my cock and stroke it slowly, but your left arm was trying to caress my left shoulder but it got in the way when Morty climbed onto the bed to enter you. He got it up, but he s a bit nervous because he has never done this before. I give him a minute to put the rubber on. You re nervous also because you never done it neither. But it’s ok because I am here with you. I touch you to see if you re wet and ready for him. You are a little wet, so I tell him to go slow until you re comfortable with him. Now you figured out what to do with your left arm. You grab his right forearm as a way to guide his penetration. You turn your head to the right so you can look me in the eye while he enters you because you don’t know him but you know me and it’s me you trust. He does like I tell him to and enters you slowly while I am kissing you deeply. He making these faces being just like I said being in you is great. But he s not all the way in. He s making small short strokes like I told him because you re nervous also. I lie on my back and watch him bone you but I haven’t abandoned you. I still hold your hand and watch you as you breathe in correspondence to the movement he s doing on you. He finally gets the whole thing in and he turns to me and asks me “What should I do now?” He knows what to do but he wants me to tell him if you want it fast or slow. I say “Give it to her faster and make them deep.” So he builds up a rhythm where he s in you fast and deep, and you try to move your hips with him but he s moving too fast for you to work with him. I watch your chest heave as you start breathing quicker. But now we have a problem, he s going so fast that’s he about to blow. He starts stuttering that he s going to come. I thought he would last longer but it is ok, it is everyone’s first time. But in the next few seconds there is so much motion happening that it’s hard to describe it all. Him: He feels he s going to blow, he pulls out of you, pulls off the rubber and shoots his load into his hand, then he hops off the bed and ran out of the room. Me: I m running my fingers through your hair and watching the faces you make while he s inside you. I m also looking at your nipples and how hard they are and how they are shaking like Jell-O. You: when he pulls out of you, it was like you were being electrocuted, you hopped out of where you were laying on your back in the center of the bed onto me immediately. You threw your arms around me tightly and started humping my leg. You did that vigorously for like 2 minutes and then started to slow down. Your breathing matched the movement of your leg humping and as you slowed down humping your breathing slowed also. Even thought you never moved your head since you jumped on me your face was buried in my neck and you were kissing it with your face hidden. You did this for about 5 minutes until you fell asleep. I turned you over covered you with the blanket and stepped out of the room. I went to find Morty and ask him what he thought. He was like “Man, that was great.”